Bible Verses Spiritual Quotes

John 17:2 Even as You have given Him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him

John 17:2 Even as You have given Him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him.

John 17:2 Even as You have given Him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom You have given Him.

The oneness of the Body is the oneness of all the believers in Christ in the Father’s name (John 17:2, 6, 11). To be in the Father’s name is to be in the Father’s person, for in the New Testament, the name always denotes the person. Thus, to be in the Father’s name is to be in the Father Himself. In the sense of the New Testament, the Father always bears the denotation of the source of life. The father of a family is the source of the life of that family. In John 17:11 the Lord prayed that the believers would be one in the name of the Father. To be one in the Father’s name is to be one in the very source of the Divine Trinity.

This oneness is also by the Father’s divine life and with the Father’s divine nature. Since we have the Father’s life, we also have the Father’s nature, for the nature always goes along with the life. We have the Father’s person as the source of the genuine oneness, and we have the Father’s divine life with His divine nature as the very element of this oneness. These are the intrinsic contents of the oneness of the Body. (The Intrinsic Problem in the Lord’s Recovery Today and Its Scriptural Remedy, pp. 10-11)

Read more at, The Oneness for which the Lord Prayed.

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