Our real dwelling place is the presence of God

Our real dwelling place is the presence of God. Psa. 90:1 says, “O Lord, You have been our dwelling place / In all generations.” [...]

2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day

2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day (Recovery [...]

Ephesians 3:16-17a That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith.

Eph. 3:16-17a That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner [...]

What shall I do? How shall I work? (Quote from Witness Lee)

What shall I do? … how shall I work? “Please bear in mind that while we should have a heart for the Lord, we should cease all of [...]

May we forget everything else and exercise to release our spirit

May we forget everything else and exercise to release our spirit. When we believed into Christ, He as the generating Spirit came into our sp [...]

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. The spiritual life revealed in t [...]

Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light

  Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. [Recov [...]

Nehemiah 8:10 The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

Nehemiah 8:10 The joy of the Lord is our strength (Recovery Version). According to Nehemiah 8:10, The joy of the Lord is our strength. It is [...]

We must be real seekers of the Lord

We must be real seekers of the Lord. The reason we pray, sing, read the Word, and call on His name is that we want Him and are seeking Him. [...]
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