1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Christ. (Holy Bible, Recovery Version)
We grow up into the Head in all things—in all things means in everything, big or small, in our daily life and in our work (cf. Zechariah 4:6, 10). We grow up into the Head through acknowledging the authority of the headship of Christ (cf. Joshua 9:14). As the Head of everyone (1 Corinthians 11:3). As the Head of the church (Ephesians 5:23). As the Head of all things (Ephesians 1:22, 10). (2014 Fall ITERO, msg. 3 outline)
[In Ephesians 4:15] in all things means in everything big or small in our daily life and in our work. Whether they are big things, small things, spiritual things, or things in our daily life, we have to allow the Lord to grow in us. We must decrease, and He must grow. Once He grows and we decrease, we will grow into Him. The meaning of growing into the Head, Christ, is acknowledging the authority of the headship of Christ….He has the authority over us. In all things big or small we have to allow Him to be the Lord. This lesson is not easy. In our eating out in restaurants and in our shopping, seldom do we allow Him to be the Lord. Since we lack the practice in our daily life, it is not a surprise that when we come to the meeting we find it difficult to prophesy for the Lord. The key to prophesying is to allow Jesus to be the Lord….Christ is not only the Head of us individually; He is also the Head of the church and the Head of all things. We should acknowledge the authority of His headship in our Christian life, in the church life, and in everything. By this we will grow into Him. When we grow into the Head, Christ, we are allowing Christ to increase and grow in all the inward parts of the members. Today our common problem is that we reserve a big part within us for ourselves and give the Lord only a little place. Therefore, it is impossible for Him to increase and grow within us. When He cannot grow, we cannot grow….When Christ grows in you and me, the Body of Christ will grow. Hence, the growth of the Body of Christ is the growth of Christ in His members. (The Perfecting of the Saints and the Building Up of the Body of Christ, pp. 34-35, by Witness Lee)