Acts 13:3 Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
The laying on of hands signifies not substitution but identification, union (Acts 13:3 and footnote 2). By laying our hands on Christ as our offering, we are joined to Him, and He and we become one. In such a union all our weaknesses, defects, and faults are taken on by Him, and all His virtues become ours. This requires us to exercise our spirit through the proper prayer so that we may be one with Him in an experiential way (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:17 and footnotes). When we lay our hands on Christ through prayer, the life-giving Spirit, who is the very Christ on whom we lay our hands (1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 3:6, 17), will immediately move and work within us to live in us a life that is a repetition of the life that Christ lived on earth, the life of the burnt offering. (Leviticus 1:4, footnote 1)
The burnt offering denotes Christ’s being absolute for God’s satisfaction. The way to satisfy God with sweetness, peace, and rest is to live a life that is absolutely for God. Since we cannot live such a life, we must take Christ as our burnt offering. We need to lay our hands on Him to indicate that we desire to be identified with Him, one with Him, and to live the kind of life He lived on earth. Such a life includes being slaughtered, skinned, cut into pieces, and washed. By passing through all these processes, we shall have something to offer to God as our burnt offering—the very Christ whom we have experienced. (Life-study of Leviticus, p. 40)
Read more via, Laying hands on the head of the offering (ministry books). Also, see footnote 2 on Acts 13:2, in the Recovery Version Bible.