Ephesians 4:15 But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ. (Recovery Version)
We need to grow up into Christ, the Head, in all things (Ephesians 4:15). The organic building up of the Body is the growth of the Body, which is the growth of God, the increase of God as life, in all the members (Ephesians 2:21-22; 4:16; Col. 2:19; cf. John 3:30). To grow in life is to have more of God in us; our problem is that we are short of God (cf. Job 1:1-5; 42:1-6). (2014 Fall ITERO, msg. 3 outline)
New believers are short of God. They have God within them, but they are short of God in their conversation, in their expression, and in their attitude….They do not have that much of God’s element within them, so they need to grow. To grow in life is to have more of God in us. Life is God in Christ as the Spirit. God is life to us in Christ and as the Spirit….The growth in life is the increase of God in Christ as the Spirit in us. Growth, increase, and building up are [not] three different things. With organic matters such as a tree or a person, growth, increase, and building up are synonyms. They are also synonyms in relation to the organic Body of Christ….The organic building up of the Body of Christ is the increase of the Triune God in the believers, and this increase is the believers’ growth in Christ. (The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today, ch. 3, by Witness Lee)
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