Ephesians 5:30 Because we are members of His Body.
When Brother Nee taught about the Body, he said that with whatever we do, we have to consider how the churches would feel about it. When we do something, we must not forget that we are members of the Body, and the Body is not only a local church. The local church is not a “local body”; if it is, it becomes a local sect. The Body is the Body of Christ, constituted by the Triune God with all the believers on this earth, with all the local churches. (The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life, ch. 3, by Witness Lee)
Wherever there is Body-revelation, there is Body-consciousness, and wherever there is Body-consciousness, individual thought and action are automatically ruled out. Seeing Christ results in deliverance from sin; seeing the Body results in deliverance from individualism.
Everything that Christ has is in His Body. He is a foolish man who claims that he can be a Christian alone….As long as we live in the Body, we will receive the supply of the Body, no matter what our condition is. Every member should learn to treasure the supply of the Body and to treasure every member. (The Mystery of Christ, chs. 3 & 4, by Watchman Nee)
Read more at, The difference between being a member and being a Christian.