John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and may have it abundantly. (Holy Bible Recovery Version)
The last stage of transformation is maturity. Maturity means the fullness of life. When one is mature, he has no shortage of life. The more life we have, the more mature we are. An infant is obviously not mature, but a grown man is mature. For a human being to be mature means that his life has come into fullness.
God’s eternal purpose can only be accomplished through our transformation and maturity. Jacob’s experience is an excellent illustration of this.
This metabolic change begins with regeneration. When we were saved, we were not only justified and our sins forgiven; we were also regenerated. At regeneration a new life, the divine life, was put into our spirit. From the time of our regeneration, this life has been transforming our natural life. As the divine life changes our natural life, it imparts more and more of the divine life into our being. Therefore, transformation is the change of our natural life. When this change reaches the point of fullness, the time of maturity has come….Maturity is not a matter of our being changed; it is a matter of having the divine life imparted to us again and again until we have the fullness of life. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 93; cf. John 10:10)
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