John 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
All the offerings are not only for us to enjoy God but also to have God assimilated into our being. This assimilation results in mingling. We need to realize that we are being mingled with God and that God is mingling Himself with us. The Lord Jesus as the Spirit is in our spirit, and daily He is mingling Himself with us. But this mingling depends on our eating Christ, digesting Christ, and assimilating Christ.
John 1:29 tells us that the Christ who is the tabernacle is also the Lamb of God….Christ as the Lamb of God is the totality, the aggregate, of all the offerings.
As the tabernacle, He has brought God to us. As the offerings, He is now bringing us all to God. Christ’s being the tabernacle is a matter of incarnation. Christ’s being the offerings is a matter of crucifixion and resurrection. Christ came in incarnation and He went through crucifixion and resurrection. This is the two-way traffic that brings God to us and brings us to God, making God one with us and us one with God.
[The offerings are presents to God.] Every time we come to a meeting, we should sense the sweetness of coming to present dear and precious presents to God for us to enjoy with Him. We should offer Christ to God not merely as the sacrifices for our problems but also as presents to God for His enjoyment and for our enjoyment with Him. (Life-study of Leviticus, pp. 14, 12, 16, by Witness Lee)
Further reading: recommending the footnote on John 1:29 in the Recovery Version Bible here.