John 17:22 And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, even as We are one.
The genuine oneness, which is the mingling of the Triune God with the redeemed humanity, has three aspects. The first aspect is the oneness in the Father’s name by His divine life, and the second is the oneness in the Triune God by His sanctifying word. The first aspect concerns the source and the element of the oneness, and the second concerns the standing of the oneness. If we are in the world and under Satan’s hand, we cannot practice the oneness. To practice the oneness, we must be separated from the world and kept away from Satan’s hand.
The third aspect of the genuine oneness is the oneness of the believers in Christ in the divine glory (John 17:22-24). After many years of studying the New Testament, we have found out that God’s glory is His divine life with His divine nature to express Him. If we did not have the Father’s life with the Father’s nature, it would be impossible for us to express the Father. The expression of the Father comes from the Father’s life with the Father’s nature. This expression of the Father is the glory. (The Intrinsic Problem in the Lord’s Recovery Today and Its Scriptural Remedy, pp. 12-13, by Witness Lee)
Read more via, Oneness in the Triune God.