Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband
The central revelation of God is God becoming flesh, the flesh becoming the life-giving Spirit, and the life-giving Spirit becoming intensified sevenfold to build up the church to issue in the Body of Christ and to consummate the New Jerusalem….This Spirit is to build up the church, which becomes the Body of Christ consummating the New Jerusalem as the final goal of God’s economy.
If we are asked to explain what the recovery is today, we should be able to answer in one simple sentence: The Lord’s recovery is God becoming the flesh, the flesh becoming the life-giving Spirit, and the life-giving Spirit becoming the sevenfold intensified Spirit to build up the church that becomes the Body of Christ and that consummates the New Jerusalem. Regarding the Lord’s present recovery, I hope that none of you would be held back by your old theology or by your old understanding of the recovery. (The Divine and Mystical Realm, pp. 17-18, by Witness Lee)
Read more concerning The Triune God being Dispensed into His redeemed people, purchase this book (the Divine and Mystical Realm) online, or read more on this topic via, The Present Truth is the Central Revelation of God and the Lord’s Present Recovery.